Just when you think I've disappeared forever... I'm back! Inspiration came from Mojo Monday #146... what a great sketch! This is for a friend of mine who loves cake... I mean she LOVES cake!!! She is worse than a kid if she doesn't get a birthday cake... she always buys one herself to make sure she gets one!!!

Suddenly lately I miss decorating cakes... I used to decorate all kinds of special occasion cakes when I worked in a cake shop... Am going to be making my son a cake for Friday... my baby is 8 on friday!!!! I honestly don't know where the time goes... one minute it's January and all of a sudden we've done Easter, then I'm shopping for holiday clothes... I had a meeting about my daughters high school last week... I know she is 9 but it only seems like a couple of years ago we were starting in Reception!!! Suddenly I feel old!!!!!
I'm going to have a nice cup of tea... and do some crafting!!! Think I'm going to be naughty, run the hoover over the living room and leave the ironing til later.... do some crafting instead!!!!
Hope the sun is shining where you are... it's very dark here, think we are in for a storm!!!!!