Friday, 26 November 2010

2 Sketches 4 You # 66

Hope you are keeping warm... I seem to go cold every time I move out of this room... winter is well and truely with us...
Here is my take on Laura's Sketch 66 over at 2 Sketches 4 You. The image is one my mum gave me... she really is such a sweetheart. I am on a really tight budget with my crafting at the moment and she gets me some great stuff to help me keep going, like I don't have loads anyway...
Well, I haven't managed to make any today... I did this one yesterday... fingers crossed for more time to myself tomorrow evening. I am getting a little more Christmassy in my thinking, have made lots of lists today. I am a list person, it's how I actually get things done... by writing things down and making lists... my calender is one of my most important things. If it disappeared all hell would break loose here... it tells me what everyone else is doing and it tells me what I am doing... I have a great memory for things I don't need to remember, like song lyrics, useless information, etc. But anything that I need to remember... well, thats why I have the calender! Before the kids, I had a filofax... a lovely one that I doodled all over, with lots of pretty things...
Anyway, I'm shattered so I'm off to bed to read.