Sunday, 26 December 2010

Merry Christmas!!!!!!

Just wanted to pop on and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.... hope you all had a lovely day yesterday and the rest of the holiday is warm and fun!
Honestly I felt absolutely exhausted last night and was glad when our last guest had gone, the children went to bed, just so that I could go to bed... We had a lovely Christmas day, I really enjoyed myself, but as I said very tired... Today apart from cooking the dinner, I am doing nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had an ebook but was too tired to even think of having a play... so thats what I am off to do now!
Hugs and best wishes


  1. Happy Christmas Kimmie and thanks for your lovely comments on my blog!
    JoZarty x

  2. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year and that you've recovered now!
    Thanks for your comment, Happy 2011
    JoZarty x

  3. hi, just taking a look at peeps blogs and found urs,great cards and scrap pages hun, hope 2 see more now i am a follower, hugs,charlee xx
