Wow... back so soon... blimey, I can't believe I've actually made another one in one week... I am doing well! for me that is!!!
Today's card was inspired by a lovely sketch over at
Sketch N Stash - challenge 98... My old stash that I am using is a small paper pad that I have had for a couple of years and yes... there are some peel offs on there. Thats the thing about doing out the crafting stuff, you even find the stuff you thought you would never use and I was determined to put peel offs on this one!!!!! I am actually quite pleased with the results!

I really want to get stuck into my Christmas crafting... I am already plotting certain types of gifts for certain people so that I can make fancy bags and boxes!!! I actually sat down with my Christmas Planner (which I am so glad to say I made in January before I lost sight of my Christmas crafting stash) and have made some very useful lists today! Of course, I am trying to keep it low key or the kids will start making Christmas list now that will end up the size of the argos catalogue and my OH will think I've gone completely mad... he is one of these odd folk that litterally leaves all his gift buying until Christmas Eve, runs around as I stay home and bake cookies or something with the kids and have a calm day, and then he falls asleep before the kids because he is worn out after a rather rushed visit to his mum's and a pint in the pub!!!! Leaving me to get everything ready for Christmas day on my own... hence why I like to be so organised... plus all my family live in Staffordshire and I like to deliver the presents a couple of weekends before Christmas (weather depending). It's nice actually because the children, my mum and myself have a lovely Christmassy weekend with the relatives and friends and Daddy gets to work!!!! ha! He really does think that Christmas only needs one day to prepare for!!!!
Enough of that... off to play with paper...
Have a lovely weekend...